Visit the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi’an, China

In Xi’an, China the best thing to do is visit the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. However, the historical pagoda is only one part of a large complex of attractions and activities. As a result, visitors can enjoy the entire day visiting the pagoda, surrounding temples and the also beautiful water fountain show.

Nostalgic Value of Chinese Pagodas

Indeed, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda is dedicated to the introduction of Buddhism in China. However, pagoda style architecture has a significant presence throughout Chinese history. Therefore, Chinese pagodas are not necessarily always dedicated to religion.

The city views of Xi’an from the top levels of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda are spectacular. As a result, there are many Chinese poems that honor the landscape views revealed as one climbs to the top. In addition, there is also a very interesting Buddhist anecdote that is behind the featured pagoda.

Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
Sunset photo taken from the base of the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in Xian.

Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Symbolism

In ancient times, there was a community of Buddhist monks who resided at the future location of the pagoda. However, the monk community had fallen on hard times and food was hard to find. As a result, some of the monks began to question their Buddhist faith.

The leader of the monks prayed to the Bodhisattva for a miracle. During his prayer, a flock of wild geese flew over the monks’ community. As if struck by lightening, the leader of the flock of geese fell to the earth with 2 broken wings. As a result, the monks realized that they should not question their beliefs, no matter how hungry they became. Therefore, the Great Wild Goose Pagoda symbolism is based on the story of their faith.

To commemorate the miracle sent by the Bodhisattva, the pagoda is constructed on the exact location where the goose originally fell from the sky. Indeed, the story of the wild goose miracle has survived millennia because of its potency!

Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Facts

  1. The Wild Goose Pagoda was originally completed in 652 AD during the reign of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Gaozong.
  2. Constructed of rammed earth and a stone exterior facade, it stood 53 meters in height and had 5 stories
  3. Unfortunately, the original Giant Wild Goose Pagoda collapsed after 5 decades
  4. Subsequently, in 704 AD the pagoda was rebuilt with 5 additional stories bringing the total to 10.
  5. This 10 level structure lasted over 8 centuries but was then reduced by 3 stories due to an earthquake in 1556 AD
  6. Therefore, the structure remains at 7 stories to this day and has a perceptible lean to the west.
  7. The current Giant Wild Goose Pagoda stands at 64 meters tall

Enjoy the Water Fountain Show

The water fountain show located next to the wild goose pagoda is a spectacular attraction. Note that the pagoda sits in the background of the fountain show. So in combination with the fountains, the pagoda is indeed the main attraction.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda Fountain Show
It is possible for visitors to walk through the fountain pathways during the show.

The fountains are shaped in a grid pattern crossed laterally by walkways. Therefore, visitors can have direct access during the show. As a result, the more intrepid visitor will appreciate this photographic opportunity!

Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Fountain Show
Visitors can walk between the rows of fountains to take photographs.
Tha Big Wild Goose Pagoda Fountain Show
Be careful when entering and exiting the fountain show, it is possible to get very wet!
Vist the Big Wild Goose Pagoda Fountains
Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Fountains

Inside the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

From the top levels of the pagoda there is a spectacular view of the surrounding urban landscape. To the delight of visitors, the pagoda also serves as a secure depository for many ancient Buddhist sutras and figurines.

It was the Buddhist monk Xuangzang who brought these these Buddhist treasures back from India, Xuangzang was indeed a prolific traveler and translator. In fact, Xuangzang’s translations of the Buddha’s teachings are largely responsible for the proliferation of Buddhism in ancient China.

Unfortunately, many of the Buddhist relics are off limits to visitors. However, it is still possible to enter the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda and climb the stairs to the top. As a result, visitors will enjoy the views of the Xian city grid laid out below!

Xi'an China City View
There is a great view of the city grid of Xi’an China from the top of the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.

The Daci’en Temple grounds are where the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda sits. Therefore, from the pagoda we can view the temple grounds below and also see the Big Wild Goose Pagoda Fountain Show in the distance. 

Daci'en Temple at Wild Goose Pagoda
Daci’en Temple at Wild Goose Pagoda.

Additional Attractions in Xi’an, China

In the ancient city of Xi’an there are many historical sites to visit. Additionally, visitors should also visit the Bell Tower of Xi’an. The Bell Tower of Xi’an, China is located behind the Great Wall of Xi’an City in the old city center.

Since its completion in the 17th century, the “Bell Tower of Xi’an has reported the time of day to the surrounding city inhabitants.

Bell Tower in center of Xi'an China
The Bell Tower of Xi’an is 36 meters in height and covers an area of 1370 meters square.
Bell Tower of Xia'an China
Although the bell is no longer used, it is still kept there on display for visitors to see.

Another one of the Xi’an best things to do is to visit the Tang Palace. After the renovations are finished, Tang Palace would have additional attractions. .

Visit Tang Palace in Xi'an China
Visiting the Tang Palace is one of the Xi’an best things to do.

In addition, at Tang Palace there is an outdoor featuring Chinese opera. Visitors are welcome to attend free of charge.

Chinese Opera outdoor theater, Tang Palace
Photo Chinese Opera performance at the Tang Palace in Xi’an China