Tax Residents: How to Eliminate Income Tax (Legally)

Offshore tax residency in a favorable tax jurisdiction offers tax residents a path in the right direction. This proven solution and many others that we provide helps eliminate the growing list of complications facing offshore investors. This includes high income tax, banking regulations, travel restrictions or even geopolitical chaos (war).

The best tax jurisdictions are usually politically neutral, peaceful countries that project a sensible foreign policy. The assimilation process for tax residents is to complete a series of steps to legitimize their new offshore lifestyle. Once you have become a tax resident offshore, the benefits are priceless and they last a lifetime.

This path to success is effective because there are no hidden tactics, loopholes or risky short cuts. Your success, is our success. Therefore, you will be immunized from new income tax laws imposed by your country of origin. Plus political disruptions, trade sanctions and even climate change disasters are inevitable obstacles that you and your family can avoid.

iGlobal will provide you with the essentials for moving offshore. Our clients have a 100% success rate and they are well prepared in advance. As a result, you will have the necessary tools to stay gone. Take the first step today and you will be well prepared for whatever lies ahead! 

Offshore Tax Residents and Aspiring Global Citizens

Global citizenship has unfortunately become a cheap cliche used by the unscrupulous to whitewash their tenuous offshore foothold. However at iGlobal, becoming a global citizen is not just a spineless platitude, we really are global citizens. This is accomplished through action, not only words

You can begin the process by investing in a new passport from a politically neutral country. This is possible to accomplish within 3-6 months by simply making an investment into the local economy. Your investment will be distributed in the most equitable manner e.g. schools, hurricane relief, medical facilities et cetera.

In return you will acquire second citizenship and also a new passport from a low tax jurisdiction. Second citizenship is an essential first step because it allows you to plant an indelible flag offshore. As a result, you can immediately establish an unequivocal connection to your new country.

This is essential for opening offshore bank accounts, acquiring tax identification numbers and even a local driver’s license. Citizenship is the most widely accepted method to legitimize offshore tax residency.

Offshore Solutions that Last a Lifetime

Furthermore, when used in combination with renunciation of original citizenship, you can permanently and most effectively cut all ties with your country of birth. Only then can you truly experience peace of mind and financial security in a new country that espouses sensible social values, sensible economics and foreign policy.

All applicants with a clean background, sufficient financial resources in addition to a clean bill of health are eligible to apply. In further benefit, certain countries offer fast track processing to acquire citizenship through investment, in combination with the potential for high financial returns.

This rare opportunity to get a new passport, plus full return of your investment capital within three years and also earn high investment returns on your capital does not arise very often. Contact me today to take advantage of this limited time opportunity.

Indeed, the passport will last a lifetime and can be passed on to future generations. However, the minimum investment period is only three to five years. You can choose the best investment option with our guidance. This allows you to avoid unseen obstacles and receive all of the perks that come with your new offshore lifestyle.

Offshore Tax Residents

Residency by investment programs used in combination with citizenship by investment consolidate the process of moving offshore. Therefore, having a new passport and residency visa readily in hand establishes you as a legitimate tax resident who can fully enjoy a streamlined process for offshore integration.

Indeed, the passport is essential, your second citizenship will now lay the foundation for your offshore tax residency. This passport is what you will use to qualify for the best residency by investment program and it will pave the way for all your future offshore endeavors. 

In further benefit, once you have established residency in a favorable jurisdiction, other essentials such as tax identification numbers, residential address, offshore banking and other necessities become accessible. These are essential steps in establishing your foothold offshore. Offshore company formation and investment accounts can also be seamlessly implemented.

In addition, the investment minimum for the best residency programs is usually pretty reasonable depending on which country you choose. Note, the country for residence, does not necessarily need to be the same country where you acquired second citizenship.

In fact, although they may have no income tax, some countries with citizenship programs have very high cost of living e.g. Caribbean islands. Factors to consider before relocating there include land is scarce on small islands with limited beach front property plus everything is imported which is expensive!

Furthermore, watch out for VAT and customs tax on top of high import prices; plus tax on local income sources! Follow our guidance and avoid unnecessary obstacles that will set you back in the long run.

Qualify with Real Estate Investment

We can help you become established in many appealing countries with high living standards, no income tax and a low cost of living threshold. In fact, the best countries will often put out the welcome mat for you.

Last but not least, consider that tax residency and second citizenship programs are most effective when you purchase property to qualify. Real property provides an essential residential address in the most favorable location. In addition, use the property for temporary residence part of the year, while generating rental income when you are not using it.

Buy real estate overseen by a property manager that has an established client base. You earn high investment returns while they worry about the upkeep of the property. Therefore, you can not only escape high tax but also show a tax free return on your investment! 

iGlobal will help you to navigate the offshore world accordingly. Explore your options with an experienced advisor that has walked the path to a successful and prosperous offshore lifestyle.