Nevis LLC & St Kitts Citizenship: Move Offshore in 2 Easy Steps

On its own, a limited liability company (LLC) has many advantages. Indeed, an LLC ownership structure is ideal for wealthy individuals seeking tax relief and protection from creditor liability. However, the benefits of the Nevis LLC are supercharged.

The Nevis LLC is a potent offshore asset protection vehicle that is much more effective than any onshore strategy. But there is more. The fortifications of the Nevis LLC are further solidified with the St Kitts and Nevis citizenship program. Why not have both? As a result, a St Kitts and Nevis citizen who is also a member of their own Nevis LLC has a myriad of benefits.

This two-step offshore asset protection plan will secure your assets beyond the reach of any foreseeable adversity. Not to mention, you can eliminate all of your income tax.

Combined Benefits of Nevis LLC and Citizenship

To be fair to the Nevis LLC, it could serve as a stand alone option, with or without citizenship. Although an exception may be necessary when our client is from a residence or citizenship based taxation country. As a result, they will need to consider second citizenship as a supplement to the Nevis LLC.

Either way, St Kitts and Nevis citizenship benefits you in ways that go far beyond your business investments. You can make note of the personal benefits. Indeed, having your Plan B in place could literally save your life sometime soon. This is more true now than ever before. We are watching the onset of what could be a world war in the near future.

That said, the first step of our two-step process is second citizenship. iGlobal is well integrated with the best real estate developer in the Eastern Caribbean and also the relevant government agencies. As a result, rest assured that under our guidance you will secure St Kitts citizenship within 2-3 months. A Nevis LLC is the icing on the cake.

Step One – Obtain St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship

Established in 1984, St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment is the oldest such program in the world. An applicant for citizenship must have a clean background, verifiable source of wealth and produce a medical certificate. In addition, you can invest $220,000 into an approved St Kitts real estate development.

Complete these items successfully and receive the St Kitts and Nevis passport. You must then hold the real estate investment for a minimum of seven years. After the holding period, you can sell the investment to recoup your capital while retaining St Kitts citizenship in perpetuity. 

Before you invest, all of the application forms must be completed in full. They will be submitted in addition to all of the required supporting documents. We will walk you through the entire approval process.

In further benefit, our legal team will ensure there are no possible issues with your application. Rest assured that your approval is all but certain after we have completed KYC protocol.

St Kitts Citizenship Benefits

  1. CRS Reporting Advantages: You will be a member of the Nevis LLC as a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis. So at the core of the company is a citizen of a tax haven with the protection of their tax laws. As a result, all tax reporting (if any) under international agreements such as CRS will pertain to a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis, not your country of origin.
  2. Obtain St Kitts Tax Residency: Citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis may allow you to become a St Kitts tax resident with all the tax benefits. After obtaining citizenship, we will assist you to acquire a St Kitts driver’s license, tax identification number, local SIM card/phone bills plus a local street address.
  3. Offshore Banking & Residency: Establish your Plan B! Use your new passport to open offshore bank accounts and/or apply for offshore residency in tax exempt countries, or territorial based taxation countries. You can therefore eliminate all income tax.
  4. Global Access: Most essentially, you will now have visa free travel options to over 157 countries and territories. This includes the Schengen area, United Kingdom, Ireland, Singapore and Hong Kong plus much more.
  5. Economic Freedom: Use your new passport to enter business contracts, form offshore corporations, open investment accounts offshore and purchase foreign property.
  6. Political Neutrality: The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis is a politically neutral country that is a member of the British Commonwealth.
  7. Remote Application: It is not necessary to visit the country during the application process. But if you wish to visit we can offer discount pricing with five star accommodation.

Buy St Kitts Real Estate

Qualified applicants for St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment may qualify by way of investment into a government approved real estate project. The minimum investment required for our preferred five star real estate offering is $220,000.

Would you like a free consultation? I am able to provide a free initial consultation to potential St Kitts citizenship applicants. Learn more about the benefits of real estate ownership in the Eastern Caribbean. I work with the best developer in the region. You can rest assured that your investment is secure.

At the end of the holding period we will be there to assist you with the resale at the best possible price. As a result, you and your family will benefit the most. Indeed, the 5% investment yield and return of your investment capital lowers the real cost.  

Nevis LLC with St Kitts Citizenship
Qualify for citizenship with government approved St Kitts real estate.

Step Two – Nevis LLC Registration

The Nevis LLC legislation has required that the company maintains a registered local agent at all times. We can suggest your local agent for you at your request. The local agent will file the “Articles of Organization” and reserve the name of the Nevis LLC with the Registrar of Companies.

If required by the Articles of Organization, members of the LLC may enter into an “Operating Agreement”. Although not a mandatory filing, this document would define the company operations and rights among members.

The Articles of Organization must include the following:

  1. name of the limited liability company;
  2. statement that the company was formed under the Nevis LLC Ordinance;
  3. the latest date the company will dissolve, or if the company will have an unlimited duration it must be specified;
  4. name of the registered agent of the limited liability company;
  5. registered office address of the limited liability company in Nevis which shall be the registered office of its registered agent;
  6. specify whether the company will be managed by its managers exclusive of the members or by its members in their capacity as members;
  7. the purposes for which the limited liability company was formed;
  8. the name and address for each organizer of the limited liability company.

Nevis LLC Benefits List

  1. Income Tax Exemption: A limited liability company formed under the laws of the Nevis LLC Ordinance shall pay no tax on income originating from outside the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis.
  2. Legal Liability Protection: The limited liability company has distinct rights and liabilities separate from its managers or members. As a result, the LLC is liable for its own obligations, debts and liabilities.  
  3. Any Lawful Business Purpose: An LLC formed under the laws of Nevis may be used for any lawful business purpose. This may include professional practice of legitimate business ventures including real estate holdings, manufacturing concerns, or as an operational or investment vehicle for international trusts.
  4. Flexibility of Ownership Structure: An LLC requires at least one member who is the legal owner. Corporations are permitted to act as members or managers. The appointment of officers is not required in the Nevis LLC. Any business entity or person can act as manager.
  5. Easy Transfer of Domicile: A foreign LLC may easily transfer its domicile to Nevis. In addition, other foreign entities may convert to a Nevis LLC after transferring their domicile in an equally simple process. There is also a provision for emergency transfer of domicile into Nevis.
  6. Creditor Bond Requirement: A creditor seeking to bring an action to collect a judgement against a member of a Nevis LLC must post a cost bond. The limit of the bond was USD 100,000. However, in 2018 the ceiling was eliminated which allows Nevis courts to set the limit as they see fit. 
  7. Certificated LLC Interests: The certificated LLC issues certificates of membership which are deemed as sole evidence of LLC ownership. Legally similar to bearer bonds or stock certificates, the member can locate their Nevis LLC certificates in Nevis or any other more advantageous jurisdiction. 

Contact iGlobal Today

Would you like to obtain fast approval for St Kitts citizenship? Quick and easy registration of your Nevis LLC? In addition, learn how you can strengthen your offshore strategy with the Nevis Trust. There is a lot to learn about the Nevis tax benefits which are ideally formulated to be used in combination.

My partners and I have 35+ years of experience working with the St Kitts citizenship program. As a result, you can rest assured you will receive your passports in the most efficient manner possible at the lowest possible cost.

You can learn from an expert who has walked in your shoes to global citizenship. When you go offshore, it is a life changing decision. Done correctly, it will provide you with a lifetime of benefits. Contact me today to find the path to global access and economic freedom.